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School Based Transition Services

What is School Based Transition Services?

School Based Transition Services (SBTS), is a coordinated service available to all students receiving Special Education Services in Albuquerque Public Schools. These services are provided to students/families in the areas of employment, post-secondary education/training, independent living, and community agency connections. Transition planning is required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and is provided to all students with a disability IEP in New Mexico starting at age 14 or earlier as needed. Transition planning involves many participants, including principals, teachers, counselors, social workers, and other related services providers. These individuals support the Transition Plan in the IEP. Transition Specialists are assigned to different schools throughout the school district. They provide support to all APS staff, students, and families in the transition process.

If you are looking for information and resources related to the transition process and services available. Please visit our contact us section.